If you struggle to get a good night’s sleep or snore loudly, you could have obstructive sleep apnea. At Breathe Airway in Treasure Valley, the skilled team of doctors and myotherapists offer highly effective sleep apnea treatments to help you breathe easier and sleep better. Call the office to schedule an appointment or book one online today.

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Non-Invasive Treatments for Sleep Apnea Q&A

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder in which your breathing starts and stops throughout the night. It may cause unpleasant symptoms and make you feel tired during the day — even after getting a full night’s rest.

Sleep apnea often starts at a very young age, and over time it can get more severe. Early intervention can lead to less invasion treatments later in life. The earlier you seek treatment for sleep apnea, the sooner you can correct nighttime breathing problems and improve your overall quality of life.

What are the symptoms of sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea may contribute to the following symptoms:

  • Periods of stopped breathing
  • Loud snoring
  • Morning headaches
  • Difficulty staying asleep
  • Waking up with a dry mouth
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Irritability
  • Problems paying attention
  • Clenching and grinding
  • Jaw pain

What are the risk factors for sleep apnea?

Common risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea include:

  • Narrow airway
  • Excess body weight
  • Being male
  • Having a thick neck
  • Older age
  • Family history of sleep apnea
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Sedatives
  • Nasal congestion
  • Medical conditions
  • Underdeveloped jaw
  • Tongue-Tie
  • Lack of adequate tongue space

Type 2 diabetes, congestive heart failure, hormone disorders, high blood pressure, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and Parkinson’s disease may increase your risk of developing sleep apnea. Asthma and other chronic lung diseases can, too.

How does my provider diagnose sleep apnea?

Your Breathe Airway specialist diagnoses sleep apnea after discussing your medical history, lifestyle habits, and symptoms. After reviewing symptoms and conducting a physical exam, they might recommend a home sleep study to diagnose your condition.

How is sleep apnea treated?

Your personalized sleep apnea treatment plan may include:


Lifestyle changes

Changes you can make at home to reduce sleep apnea symptoms include losing weight (if you’re overweight), getting regular exercise, avoiding sleeping pills and alcohol, and sleeping on your side or stomach instead of your back. Avoid smoking, too.


Myofunctional therapy

The myofunctional therapists at Breathe Airway help you by providing facial and intraoral exercise to reduce symptoms of sleep apnea.


Oral appliances

Wearing oral appliances at night when you sleep repositions your jaw to enhance airflow, reduce snoring, and improve your sleep quality. They can also help guide your jaw’s development and increase oral space. This, in turn, opens up the airway minimizing obstructive events.


Airway pressure devices

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) breathing devices and other similar devices deliver air pressure through a mask while you sleep to improve breathing, prevent snoring, and reduce periods of stopped breathing. 

Tongue-tie release

Some individuals are born with a decrease in tongue mobility. This is known as a tongue tie. A tongue-tie can keep the tongue from performing tasks necessary to normal breathing. By releasing the tie, we allow the tongue better movement and can often improve the quality of sleep as a result. See our tongue tie release page for more information.

If you have sleep apnea and desire a better night’s sleep, call the Breathe Airway office or schedule an appointment online today.